
ここ最近Hero Imageヒーローイメージというデザイン手法が流行していますね。
今回は、流行しているHero Imageヒーローイメージに欠かせないビンテージラベル/レトロバッジ素材をまとめてみました。
Vintage Logo Kit Vol.1
Vector Set of Labels
5 Free Retro Insignias / Signs
5 Free Retro Insignias / Signs
Colorful Vintage Vector Labels
Colorful Vintage Vector Labels
Vintage Design Badges
Premium Retro Design Badges
Blue and Brown Vintage Vector Badges
Blue and Brown Vintage Vector Badges
Vintage Vector Label Set
Retro Vector Label Set
Green and Yellow Vintage Labels
Green and Yellow Vintage Labels
Brown Vintage Labels
Blue Vintage Badges
Retro Design Badges That Look Great on Photos
Retro Design Badges That Look Great on Photos
20 free t-shirt designs
Gold Damask Vintage Background Vector
Gold Damask Vintage Background Vector
Ornamental Vector Banner
10 Vintage retro Labels Vol 2
Free Pack retro logo vintage insignia V2
Free Pack retro logo vintage insignia V2
Retro restaurant badge on wood Vector
Retro restaurant badge on wood Vector
variety of retro badges Vector
variety of retro badges Vector
Retro label on rustic background Vector
Retro label on rustic background Vector
Watercolor summer labels Vector
Watercolor summer labels Vector
Retro style labels pack Vector
Retro style labels pack Vector
Floral mothers day badge in retro style Vector
Floral mothers day badge in retro style Vector
Spring label in retro style Vector
Spring label in retro style Vector
Vintage labels and frames Vector
Vintage labels and frames Vector
Road badge vintage style Vector
Road badge vintage style Vector
Vintage labels in hispter style Vector
Vintage labels in hispter style Vector
Vintage vector badge shapes Vector
Vintage vector badge shapes Vector
Ornamental emblem Vector
Motors badges Vector
Summer graphic elements Vector
Summer graphic elements Vector
Vintage badges Vector
Wedding label set Vector
Elegant menu badge Vector
Retro photography badges Vector
Retro photography badges Vector
Retro label set of beer Vector
Retro label set of beer Vector
restaurant retro badges Vector
restaurant retro badges Vector
Sketchy shop badges Vector
Golden restaurant badges in retro style Vector
Golden restaurant badges in retro style Vector
Retro football badges Vector
Ornamental restaurant pattern with label Vector
Ornamental restaurant pattern with label Vector
Retro label design art Vector
Retro drinks badges Vector
Food badges in retro style Vector
Food badges in retro style Vector
Vintage style elements Vector
Hipster hunting badges Vector
Ocean and sea nautical badges Vector
Ocean and sea nautical badges Vector
Retro summer badges Vector
Retro labels with fruits Vector
Retro labels with fruits Vector
Retro coffee badges Vector
Variety of badges in retro style Vector
Variety of badges in retro style Vector
Seafood logos Vector
Retro menu stickers and badges collection Vector
Retro menu stickers and badges collection Vector
Retro coffee badges Vector
Beer badges in retro style Vector
Beer badges in retro style Vector
Hipster badges collection Vector
Hipster badges collection Vector
Vintage badges and decorative backgrounds Vector
Vintage badges and decorative backgrounds Vector
Retro lace badge romantic invitation Vector
Retro lace badge romantic invitation Vector
Retro restaurants labels Vector
Retro restaurants labels Vector
Design badges in retro style Vector
Design badges in retro style Vector
Golf tournament badges Vector
Hand drawn bakery badges Vector
Hand drawn bakery badges Vector
Vintage bakery badges Vector
Retro mothers day badges Vector
Retro mothers day badges Vector
Ornamental blackboard badges Vector
Ornamental blackboard badges Vector
Retro badges collection Vector
Retro badges collection Vector
Premium vintage labels set Vector
Premium vintage labels set Vector
Elegant restaurant logos Vector
Elegant restaurant logos Vector
Retro bakery badges Vector
Retro barber shop badges Vector
Retro barber shop badges Vector
Polygonal hipster insignias Vector
Polygonal hipster insignias Vector
Retro design logo art Vector
Surf badges Vector
Marriage vintage labels Vector
Marriage vintage labels Vector
Retro barber shop badges Vector
Retro barber shop badges Vector
Blackboard badges in vintage style Vector
Blackboard badges in vintage style Vector
Retro bakery badges Vector
Coffee vector editable logo Vector
Coffee vector editable logo Vector
Retro style black and white labels Vector
Retro style black and white labels Vector
Barber shop badges Vector
Motorcycle retro labels set Vector
Motorcycle retro labels set Vector
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無料で利用できるIllustrator用の無料ブラシセットを集めてみました。 全部で35セットあり
優れたパッケージデザイン・プロダクトデザインをご紹介している金曜日企画、第34回目です。 34回目
無料でハイクオリティーのPhotoshop用リソース/素材を配布しているPSD Repo
無料でハイクオリティーのPhotoshop用リソース/素材を配布しているPSD Repoをご紹介。
優れたパッケージデザイン・プロダクトデザインをご紹介している金曜日企画、第36回目です。 今回も、
無料なのに高画質!今回はそんなビンテージテクスチャ画像をまとめてご紹介します。 紙はもちろん、ポス
またまた旬なネタで。 必ず盛り上がるワールドカップ。 そのワールドカップを象徴するのがロゴデザイ